Karen Veni
Night Cat Books, Etc.
Blue Journal
Journal – Wendy
Hale Davis taught me this structure. Arches
Text Wove sewn on cords, laced on boards, rounded and shouldered spine,
goatskin, hand painted paste paper, sewn silk headbands, 316 pages, 10 ½ x 6 7/8
x 2 3/8”.
Boston Journal
Boston Book
– My handmade paper cover is abaca with my hand dyed and beaten Kozo fibers.
It’s 12 x 9 ¾ x 7/8”, long stitch through slotted cover.
Brazil Book
Brazil Book –
My travel journal for a month in Brazil the summer of 2001, it’s 12 ¼ x 9 x 3
¾”. Waxed linen long stitch through slotted spine on Rives reinforced with
Tyvek, front and back Davy board covered in hand painted paste paper. I love
how this book telescopes with all the ephemera, collages, and over 300
photographs I crammed in with all the writing, sketching, postcards, maps and
D.C. Journal
Journal – My
travel journal for a week in Washington in November 2000, it’s 12 1/8 x 8 15/16
x 2”. Waxed linen long stitch through slotted cover, Rives cover with hand
painted paste paper and Hahnemühle Schiller, around 300 pages.
Europe Journal
Europe Journal
– From my summer trip in 2000, it’s 6 5/8 x 5 ¼ x 1”. Maggie
Gillikin taught me this. Case binding in clamshell
box, both covered in book cloth with Arches Text Wove pages inside.
Halter Journal
Halter Journal –
Named for the skimpy yellow leather halter I wore in my teens that I cut up for
the covers. Sewn on cords, laced on boards, rounded and shouldered spine, sewn
silk headbands, tie dyed goatskin, Japanese paper, Hahnemühle Schiller, 300 or
so pages, 9 1/8 x 6 3/8 x 2”.
Organic Journal
Organic Journal –
I like the curvy lines of the cords on this journal made by punching slightly
uneven holes in the signatures. Sewn on cords, laced on boards, rounded and
shouldered spine, sewn silk headbands, tie dyed goatskin, Hahnemühle Schiller,
hand painted paste papers, 9 1/8 x 6 3/8 x 2”.
Red Journal
Red Journal
– Made for Artfest, with a cozy little case made from a Fed Ex box at 3 a.m. the
early morning before my flight, this 9 x 6 ¼ x 3” book has a quilted, fabric and
assorted doo-dad collage cover I made at my first Artfest. Waxed linen long
stitch through slotted spine and Hahnemühle Schiller for almost 400 pages.
Veni Journal
Journal – My
travel journal for a month of Maine and Kentucky, it’s 9 1/8 x 9 3/8 x 1 ¾”.
structure I learned from Wendy Hale Davis, this concave spine book with inlaid
goatskin over board has Hahnemühle Schiller inside.